A branch office for the NKBM bank in Novo Mesto

Year of construction: 2011

Project group: Mojca ZAVASNIK, Tina ŠKRINJAR

The building, in which a new bank branch office is planned, is located in the old city centre of Novo Mesto. The building is the last in line of a long series of buildings along the Rozmanova ulica street, and ends with a small park where two roads intersect. The façade is relatively well preserved, the interior of the building had been renovated on numerous occasions, during the 1960s and 1980s, and therefore has no true historical elements. The branch design concept wished to include the programme and historical location. We decided to place the customer programme in its own cube in a space that used different geometrics to that of the building. Taking this step, we wanted to place the new programme in a new space within an old building, creating a relationship, as well as differences, between the existing and new space and the programme. The space left around the cube is open, intended as an area where customers can socialise and wait in a comfortable environment. The same concept is repeated on the floor intended for corporate clients. Here, we also have a cube – a booth – adopting a different geometry and intended for customer use. The area surrounding the cube is an open, ocean open  floor for the employees.